Cooking Lady with Kutchi Cloths and Ornaments Inside Village Traditional Home Oil Canvas Painting L38" x W0" x H26"
Canvas [Oil Paint] And Gold Plated Mughal Painting L23.5" x W1.25" x H34"
Hand Paint On Hardboard & Gold Plated Saraswati Wall Piece L25.75" x W1.25" x H32.75"
Canvas [Oil Paint] Lady Painting L39.25" x W2.25" x H51"
Wooden Emboss Work With Gold Plated Shreenathji Wall Piece L31" x W2.75" x H43"
Wooden Inlay Radha krishna Sitting Wall Piece L31" x W1.75" x H19"
Handmade Wood Elephant Family In Mountain Inlay Wall Piece L12" x W0" x H18"
Wooden Cone Work Man And A Dancing Girl Wall Piece L20.5" x W0.5" x H15.5"
Paper Lady Wall Piece L15.75" x W1" x H19"
Handcraft Wood Inlay Wall Piece L25.5" x W0" x H14"
Handmade Ganesha Wooden Inlaywork Wall Art L12" x W0" x H18"
24 Carat Gold Plating Radha krishna Standing Wall Piece L36" x W2" x H41"