Handmade Wooden Inlay Painting Family Traveling On Bullock Cart L17.5" x W0" x H23.5"
Handcraft Wood Inlay Beautiful Coupal Wall Piece L25" x W0" x H20"
Canvas [Oil Paint] Lady Painting L52" x W2" x H46"
Zardosi Work Elephant Up Trunk Wall Piece L54" x W5" x H42"
Wooden Inlay Saraswati Sitting Wall Piece L14.5" x W1.5" x H20.5"
Hand Paint On Hardboard & Gold Plated Radha krishna Wall Piece L44" x W1.75" x H32"
Canvas [Oil Paint] Ganesha Sitting Painting L36" x W1.5" x H46"
Handcrafted Wooden Inlay Wall Piece Birds Fishing on Water L12" x W0" x H18"
Gems Stone Village Wall Piece L34.25" x W2.5" x H27.5"
Canvas [Oil Paint] Village Painting L68" x W1.5" x H48"
Wooden Lady Wall Piece L25" x W1" x H19.5"
Cooking Lady with Kutchi Cloths and Ornaments Inside Village Traditional Home Oil Canvas Painting L38" x W0" x H26"