Brass Shreenathji Standing Idol L3.5" x W1.25" x H5.75"
Brass Laxmiji Sitting Idol L2.5" x W1.5" x H3.25"
H 6.75"Brass Krishna With Cow Standing Idol
Fiber Vinayaka: Elegance and Devotion in Art H 6.5"
Brass Jesus Family Idol L4" x W2.25" x H4.75"
Brass Radha Standing Idol L2.75" x W2.75" x H7.25"
H 2.75"Brass Kalash Pooja Article
Brass Dattatreya Standing Idol L7.5" x W4.5" x H8"
Selenite Plate Pooja Article L3.25" x W0" x H3.25"
H 1.75"Brass Pooja Plate Pooja Article
White Metal Shreenathji Standing Idol L5.5" x W1.5" x H7.25"
17" Brass Ram Parivar Sitting Idol