White Metal On Wooden Elephant Up Trunk Show Piece L4" x W7.25" x H6.25"
Brass Mahavir Swami Sitting Idol L4.25" x W2.25" x H6.5"
Wooden Tortoise Set Of 3 Piece Show Piece L2.25" x W3.25" x H1.25"
22.75" Radiant Reverence: Iron Krishna Bust Idol with Multi-Color Finish
German Silver Copper Padmavati & Balaji Wall Piece L13" x W1" x H10"
Iron Musician Sehnai Man Show Piece L5" x W4.50" x H17"
Brass Guru Nanak Sitting Idol L5.25" x W4.25" x H7"
Harmonious Melodies: Antique Brass Ganesha with Flute Idol H 7.5"
Black Metal Ambaji Sitting Idol L9.5" x W5" x H12"
Wooden With Fiber Chinese Facial Makeup Opera Wall Piece L12.75" x W1" x H7.75"
Brass Nandi Sitting Idol L2.5" x W3.5" x H2.75"
Cloth Purse Personal accessory L10.5" x W0" x H30"